Monday, June 13, 2005

Thailand Itinerary

Also a little vague. But here's what I know so far.

15-Jun Wednesday: I'll reach Bangkok around 4.45. From all accounts, it takes about an hour to get to the hotel. I'll be staying at the New Siam II (unless they've lost my reservation.) Hotel details at

16-Jun Thursday: Lounge around Bangkok. Also at the New Siam II.

17-Jun Friday: More lounging.

18-Jun Saturday: Still more lounging. In the evening, I catch a flight to Koh Samui, where I'll be staying at the Papillon Samui

19-Jun Sunday: Beach around Samui.

20-Jun Monday: More beaching. (Two full days of beaching. Its a hard life, but someone has to do it. )

21-Jun Tuesday: I get up ridiculously early in the morning, catch a flight to Bangkok, and then a flight to Chiang Mai. Should get into Chiang Mai around noon. At Chiang Mai, I think I'll stay at Gap's House. They don't actually take reservations, so I won't know for sure till I get there, but since its the low season, I should be ok. Updates will follow if this changes.

22-Jun Wednesday: Absorb Chiang Mai. (Mostly shopping, I think.)

23-Jun Thursday: Leave Chiang Mai around noon, head to Bangkok. Wait around in the airport, and catch a flight at 4ish to Ho Chi Min City.

Goodbye Thailand, Hello Vietnam.

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