Thursday, October 4, 2012

200 Toronto Things: A coffee shop

Ahem. Yes. 200 Toronto Things. Sigh.

So the thing is - I figured that I wasn't really exploring the city in the way I'd wanted - rather - the project just ended up being about eating out all the time. I need to better rethink what I want to do with this.

In the meanwhile. Last year, Michael had mentioned the Indie Coffee Passport - which was a card you bought for $25, which got you a free drink from 30 coffee shops located through the city. The card is valid for 6 months - but by the time I'd heard about it, there was only a month to go or something, and I didn't elect to participate.

This year, I ended up walking into a participating coffee shop near the start of the 6-month period, and so I bought my card.

Fast forward to yesterday - I was running early for a dinner engagement at Ossington and Dundas West, and I walked by a participating coffee shop - the Ideal Coffee Company. Yay. I went in and got a coronado (or a cortado or something like that - stronger than a latte, milder than an espresso.)

The coffee was good, but the best thing about this place was a lovely little patio on the side. It was filled with plants, including - hops! Planted by Bellwoods, this city-hop project is pretty fascinating! (I'm so torn about Bellwoods. I hate how expensive it is, but they are doing some really interesting things. Sigh.)

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