Monday, August 22, 2005

Sleepy-time in Madras

After days of not doing anything much in Madras at all, I just went to the museum. It was really nice, the building is a remnant of the British Raj, gorgeous architecture, lush, green gardens, and really nice bronze sculptures. On the other hand, the Contemporary Art Gallery was rather hit-and-miss - they had plastic airplane models scattered among 10th Century bronze boxes. Reminded me a little of the museum in Bangkok - its interesting to see what the curators consider museum-worthy.

While strolling around the museum grounds, this old man approached me with a Psst. Pot? Bhang? Nope. He was selling postcards. (I bought a few.)

I ate a late breakfast, and ate too much. There's a tiny shop near this internet access place that I'm at that makes the best chaat - but I'm afraid I might be too full to eat - the horrors! I think I'm off now to grab something to drink. Its not as mind-bogglingly hot as it was in China, but still hot enough that I'm always thirsty. And unfortunately, no Pocari Sweat. Pocari Sweat, how I miss you.

1 comment:

  1. dont forget to eat at drive in..i know u dont have a car but beg borrow or steal one and eat chapathi kurma...also go eat in that chat place ...and have a sohan papadi for moi...
