Friday, January 6, 2012

200 Toronto Things: (1) Korean food and (2) new grocery store

So, one of the 2012 resolutions is to do more things in Toronto. Specifically, 200 Toronto things.

I did two last night - Ka Chi (Korean restaurant) and Lucky Moose (Chinese grocery store).

The original plan was to head to the AGO to see the Chagall exhibit with Madhav on a members-only night. But alas, the AGO was ridiculously crowded (they have a lot of members, evidently!) and we decided to bail and get dinner instead. (Well, we looked around at the AGO for 15 minutes, but I can't count 15 minutes in a museum as a Toronto-thing. Even if I want to.)

So, we wandered over to a Korean place that Madhav really liked, Ka Chi (in Chinatown).

Madhav was jonesing after the Bibimbap, and that sounded pretty good, so I did the same thing.

It came with a bunch of small sides - yum! There was seaweed salad, some kind of yummy potato thing, kimchi, bean sprouts... all kinds of awesomeness.

Very yummy.

After dinner, since I was in Chinatown anyway, I wanted to check out Lucky Moose. I've seen it a countless number of times, but the Chinese grocery stores I typically go to are on Spadina, not Dundas. (I'm not sure why.)

But, Lucky Moose was a bit anti-climatic. It was too clean, that was the problem - it was more like T&T, and less like the chaotic Chinese grocery stores I'm used to. There was a lot of products that were more Western. I didn't stay long, just bought a handful of veggies and left. (Madhav would probably love it though.)

On my way home, I popped into Volo, on impulse, since the beer meetup was meeting there. Again, for anyone else, Volo would be a Toronto-thing, but for me, since I'm at Volo *all* the time, it hardly counts.

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