Monday, February 13, 2012

200 Toronto Things: (14) A baking class and (15) a Filipino grocery store

One Saturday morning in January (Jan 21), I woke up bright and early, and headed off to a bread-making class at Nella Cucina.

During the course of this 4-hour class, we baked a honey-brown bread, cheddar-cheese biscuits, pita bread and cinnamon buns. Seriously drool worthy. (I refrained from taking photos in class, mostly because I was baking, and my hands were covered in flour.)

I don't often take classes, but this one was a real treat. Now, I should really get going on the bread making, no?

On the way back from Nella, which was at Bloor and Bathurst, I decided to stop off at Hakim Optical, and pick up my contact lenses. That was a quick errand, of course, they were ready, and all I needed to do was pay - I noticed a Filipino grocery store across the street. I've seen this store plenty of times before - it is on Eglinton, and it's on the route the parents take to get to the freeway, but I've never stopped to explore.

This time, I did. It was interesting. There were groceries, and then there was a cafeteria-type place for takeout. Ah, but every single thing in the takeout had some kind of meat/fish in it. I guess the Philippines would be a difficult place to travel as a vegetarian. (There were vegetarian groceries, of course, but I didn't buy anything - I'm trying to finish eating the contents of my pantry/frig/freezer first.)

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