Monday, February 13, 2012

200 Toronto Things - Vietnamese food

I have a ton of Toronto Things to catch up on, so I've no idea what number this is. Hopefully, once I get caught up, I will know...

Friday evening (Feb 10), I headed to the ROM with a friend. We were there to see the Embellished Reality: Indian Painted Photographs exhibit. (Very interesting, and I do wonder why more people don't paint over photos.)

Once that was done, my friend suggested Pho Huang, right across the street.

I must confess - I was skeptical. First - about the availability of anything vegetarian. Also, because it was in this abandoned-looking building, with a super-sketchy entrance sign.

However, all my doubts were quickly dispelled when we made our way up - the place was bustling, and there were 2 pages of vegetarian offerings. I got the fried lemongrass and tofu in a curry sauce - it was pretty delicious. (This photo was taken once I was done eating, which tells you how big the portion was. Enough to feed a family of 4.)

Our dinner (two large mains, one mango milkshake, and one plate of spring rolls) was about $30? Perfect. It wasn't quite cheap eats, but wasn't pretentious-pricey either. Love it.

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