Friday, January 6, 2012

200 Toronto Things: (3) a grilled cheese sandwich

I don't eat lunch at restaurants on workdays very often, mostly because I live 10 minutes from work, and eating out all the time is neither healthy nor cheap.

When I do eat out, I tend to default to the same few choices - the Chinese place in the concourse (I'm sure it has a real name, I have no idea what it's called), Jaipur Grille (where after many attempts, the staff have okayed me getting chai instead of pop as part of my meal) and Hannah's.

But in the spirit of exploring, and motivated by the 200-Toronto-things challenge, I tried a new place for lunch, the Construction Site.

The Construction Site opened in December. It took the place of sad, lamented (by me) Druxy's, where I could get a grilled cheese sandwich, with spinach, tomatoes, mushrooms, black olives and onions for under $5.

I mention the prices, because look at the menu, for heaven's sake. The idea of paying close to $10 for a grilled cheese sandwich is ludicrous. (I paid $7, which is still utterly ridiculous.)

The sandwich was tasty, the chips were tasty, but definitely not worth it - I had all the required ingredients to make the sandwich in my refrigerator.

But one bonus. They messed up my sandwich order, causing me to wait a bit for my sandwich. To apologize for the wait, they gave me a coupon for a free sandwich. Maybe I'll try the fungi with it? (Hmmm. It seems to have already expired. I wonder if I will get to use it at all.)

Worth adding: I ran into someone I knew (not through work) at the grilled cheese place. Yesterday, I ran into someone I knew (through beer) at the grocery store. What the heck? Do I actually know that many people? (Worth mentioning: with my usual terrible ability to remember people's names and faces, I didn't remember either of them. Worth adding: It's not entirely my fault, I meet too many people.)

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