Thursday, April 26, 2012

200 Toronto Things: A concert at the Royal Conservatory

Sometime the middle of the week in the middle of February, I sent a friend an email:

In other news, would you like to go to a classical music concert on
Friday? It's at Kroener Hall, which is really gorgeous inside, and
well worth a look, if you haven't already.

I'm not a fan of paying $22 or something, but I've queued up before
for rush seats at this venue - if we get there 2 hours in advance, we
can wait for a few minutes, get rush seats for $10 each, head
somewhere to eat, and then head back to watch the concert. What say
you? (Worst case, we don't get rush tickets, and then we just do
something else.)

One of the things they don't really talk about are the $10 rush tickets at the RCO. In a city that's ridiculously overpriced for everything, this is one of those few actual deals that I adore. I saw Ravi Shankar there last year for $10, Zakir Hussain (also $10) - I love this deal. 

So, we get there (Friday, Feb 17). There's two girls that walk in at the same time, we courteously let them ahead of us, grab a seat, and wait for rush tickets. But alas! good deeds that go unpunished! those two girls got the last two rush tickets. A bit of a dilemma resulted, but in the end, $22 was still a really good deal to see a concert (and I'd invested a ton of time youtubing the program and actually listening to it in advance, so I'd be somewhat familiar with the music), and so we went. 

Kroener Hall is gorgeous. This is a picture of the ceiling. It's all wood. 

The RC Orchestra is a student orchestra. They were wonderful. When seeing these kids, playing music, with dedication - you actually have hope for the future. (No random planting of radishes for these kids.)

I also got my friend to take a photo of my blouse for my sewing blog. We were in the nosebleeds, but I was still pretty self-conscious about having my picture taken in a roomful of people. 

(We grabbed dinner before the concert, back at  Pho Hung. I had a different thing - can't remember what, which was also delicious.)

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