Wednesday, April 25, 2012

200 Toronto Things: A movie at OISE, followed by Vietnamese food

I've never heard of OISE, but I'm probably in the minority. Certainly, my friend, who came to see a movie with me there tonight (April 25) knew all about it.

Ok, backing up. I saw a listing in NOW for a movie about food.

1. Taste The Waste Zeitgeist-Toronto film screening and panel
discussion on why we throw away so much food.
Admission: Pwyc
Where: , OISE Auditorium, 252 Bloor W, Toronto,
When: 7 pm

Having just cleaned out my refrigerator (sort of) and being completely disgusted at myself about how much food I threw out, I decided I needed to go see this movie. 

OISE is strange - it was incredibly bustling. 

The Zeitgeist movement made me roll my eyes a bit. Politically, I'm pretty liberal. However, I am a business major, so when they brandish signs like "Abolish Money", I want to mock them a bit (and ask for my PWYC money back.) There was a guy that introduced the movie that really talked a lot (and made me eye-roll), but the movie itself was relatively inoffensive. However, as my friend pointed out, we left having learnt nothing - we already knew there was a lot of food waste in the system. 

There was a panel after. 5 people - two stand out, for very different reasons. One of them was a kid that founded something called Occupy Gardens. They went around planting food in public/private spaces. Their next big thing was to go plant radishes in Queens Park. I wanted to punch him. Pointless, stupid stunt. And someone has to spend hours (and my taxpayer money) cleaning up his crap. I'd much rather my taxpayer money go towards actually helping someone. Stupid, punk kid. 

Direct contrast - the CEO of Second Harvest. Honestly, what were they thinking, having stupid punk kid even share the stage with her? Second Harvest saw a problem, and they built a solution. I admire them greatly. Her little introduction was intelligent, realistic, and makes me want to give them money. 

Ok, rant over. Still - rants = something to discuss, debate and think about, and that's always good, whether I agree with topic-at-hand, or not. 

After, I headed to Ginger for a snack. I went in, and sat down, and realized I'd been there before - complete surprise! The last time I was there, I'd had a tofu sandwich and a mango salad. This time, tofu coconut mushroom soup, and a fresh wrap with fried yams and avocado. Both super delicious. And relatively inexpensive. 

I just did a major photo upload - all New York pictures from the BB. So, I guess, that post is upcoming. 

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