Wednesday, March 14, 2012

200 Toronto Things: Breakfast at Ezra's Pound

I was up and about astonishingly early Sunday morning (March 11) - the plan was to go grab the car from Madhav, and then head to the Sandbanks dunes east of Toronto.

Walking from Dupont Station, on my way to pick up the car, I spied Ezra's Pound. I hadn't had breakfast, so this was an opportunity to grab a quick bite before the long road-trip.

The food was simple, but nice. (Also pricey - my baguette, butter and jam was $4.) Totally hit the spot.

The road trip itself was really fun. The Blackberry battery was dead though, so no pictures. I went to a winery, then to the park, then a late lunch/early dinner, and back. A rare day out of the city, but very fun.

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