Tuesday, March 20, 2012

200 Toronto Things: () Dinner at Commensal

Way back in the time tunnel, (Jan 29) I had dinner with my parents at Commensal.

A nostalgic Commensal story - when I was in my early 20s, I needed to travel to Montreal to get an American visa renewed. My friend Shirin and me set off in my car. We didn't speak much French, we wandered into Commensal, thinking it was a buffet, filled out plates high with food, and then got some sticker shock about the fact that it was a pay-by-weight place. I think each of us spent $15 on lunch, which seemed like a fortune in 1994-1996 dollars.

Anyway, Commensal has one location in Toronto, but I think, despite the nostalgia, that I've only been once. This time around, my parents had a Groupon, and so we went. I stuck to the salads and salad-like things, and liked what I had. Madhav had the hot food and disliked everything intensely. Overall, not bad, but definitely overpriced - without the Groupon, we would have spent close to ~20 a person for a small/medium plate of food (not piled high at all), and that's crazy for basically cafetaria-style food.

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