Tuesday, March 20, 2012

200 Toronto Things: Wandering around Chinatown, with () an art gallery and () cookies

On March 2, I had a grilled cheese groupon that was expiring, so I headed to Leslieville Cheese Market at Queen and Spadina to grab some grilled cheese. 

Once that was done, I was a bit at a loose end, and decided to head to the Art Gallery to see an art exhibit. 

The exhibit was called Half The Sky. Cliff notes: 

The East Gallery celebrates International Women’s Day with ‘Half the Sky'.
The East Gallery celebrates International Women’s Day with ‘Half the Sky’, a group show of leading female contemporary artists from Vietnam and Burma. Burmese artist Nann Nann will join us for the opening reception and various events during the show.

The stuff was interesting, I guess. The problem was that the Art Gallery was also a coffee shop, and I couldn't really see everything for fear of disturbing people drinking their coffee. But the more fundamental problem is that I don't know anything about art, and so I really need guided talks to ensure I learn something. 

After the gallery, I wandered into a couple of bakeries, include Prince Bakery Hot Pot Cafe. I bought some walnut cookies, which, alas, are still languishing in my cupboards. I found them really, really eggy. Meh.


Somewhere there, there was also a stop at the Village Idiot, to grab a pint. It was a weird day though - I'm usually happy to wander, but on this particular day, I was pretty 'meh' about everything.

My 'meh'-ness can be summarized by this key fact - I only drank a half of my Sam Adams pint - declining to drink the rest. Weirdness.

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