Wednesday, March 14, 2012

200 Toronto Things: A Friday night out - snacks, talks and dinner

This Toronto Thing campaign is making me do the things I've been meaning to do. Case in point - I headed Friday evening (March 9) to a Treehouse talk at the Toronto Reference Library. I've been meaning to go to a talk at the library for ages now.

There were 3 speakers. The first guy was awesome - good speaker, interesting topic, well-prepared. The second girl was hopeless. Her topic was "Why can't I quit Facebook", which would have been an interesting topic, except all she did was put up photos of herself, tell us that privacy is important, and ask us to google her personal information. Hopeless and ill-prepared.

The third guy talked about media - except he seemed to be advocating a return to an oral culture (music and storytelling vs. the written word.) He generated lots of interesting discussion - and pretty much split the room into the half that agreed with him, and the half that didn't (this half included me.)

Still, glad I went.

The talk was from 6.30 to 8.15, and I knew I needed a snack beforehand to sustain me until dinner. I stumbled upon the Crepes a Go Go next to the reference library, and went in, not really expecting much more than a fast food place. 

It was surprisingly good. I had a nutella and banana crepe. The entire staff was Francaphone, I got to listen to a lot of French being spoken. (Didn't understand very much, time to head back to French class, I think. )

Once the talk was done, I headed to the Paddock for dinner. (Travelzoo voucher.) For bar food, it was quite good. Forgot to take photos though - aargh - so I guess it doesn't count?

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