Tuesday, March 20, 2012

200 Toronto Things: Wandering on Queen East, with () Ethiopian food, () shortbread, () quiche and () coffee

Friday afternoon, March 16 - the weather was lovely and warm, and I decided I was going to give up on cleaning my apartment, and go for a food walk instead. (In which I walk from place to place, eating food.) The starting point was Queen and Yonge, with a goal of heading east along Queen till I ran out of steam. 

So much fun! Must do it more often. 

Food stops - the first food stop was an unnamed coffee shop where I grabbed some pumpkin bread. Alas, this coffee shop was not photographed. 

Right after, and practically next door was Keefaa - an Ethiopian coffee shop and food - where I shared a delicious bowl of foul with a friend.

It was pretty. 

But quickly eaten.

 As I headed east, I was intrigued by Mary Macleod's. I wanted lemon shortbread - they didn't have any. Instead I settled for some orange-chocolate shortbread, yummy!


Then, I walked a bit, till I got to Leslieville. In Leslieville, realizing that it had been more than 15 minutes since I'd eaten something, I quickly ducked into the Canadian Pie Company. 

I had a savory asparagus and cheddar quiche. It was yummy! (Wall of pies = total picture awesomeness.)

 The final stop was for some coffee. We picked this lovely, warm-looking coffee shop called Tango Palace.

The decor was funky and interesting, the light was warm, it was quite the most awesome place.

 The coffee was delicious as well.

Then, since it was dark at that point, I got on a streetcar and came home. What a fun afternoon! I should do this kind of thing more!

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