Friday, March 9, 2012

200 Toronto Things: () Seeds at the Young Centre

My friend Ryan had suggested heading out to see Seeds - a documentary theater piece about the Monsanto court case around genetically altered canola. I know vague details about the case, of course, and I was interested in the whole 'patent vs. no patent,  big evil corp vs. little farmer' debate.

The play was last night at the Young Center. Phil, Jill, Ryan and me headed out. None of us really knew what to expect - how does one do documentary theater? As it turned out, it was really, really good. The actors did an excellent job, the play was well-written (most of it was interviews the playwright had done with the principals in the court case), there was a sense of investigative journalism about it, and it sparked some rather heated discussion among the four of us about intellectual property rights on the way back.

I'm really glad I went. I was on the fence a bit, especially because tickets were rather pricey ($35). But, as it turns out, it was money well spent. (The tiny, $10 glass of wine, on the other hand? Not money well spent.)

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